Game of Thrones is a television series that takes us to an imaginary world, made up of 4 continents, and in which multiple battles, combats, love stories, subterfuges, falsehoods, sabotage and murders take place. It is based on the fantastic novels written by the American George RR Martin .

In 1991, RR Martin had the idea to write a trilogy of novels called A Song of Ice and Fire. However, and given the success of the first novel titled Game of Thrones, published in 1996, the writer changed his mind and determined that there would be 7 novels (A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, A Feast for Crows, A Dance with Dragons, Winds Winter and Spring Dreams).

As we have said before ‘Game of Thrones’ is an American fictional television series set in the Middle Ages. It premiered in 2011. It was directed by David Benioff and DB Weiss, under the supervision of the author of the novels, George RR Martin. Its central plot is the impetuous disputes of the Seven Kingdoms of the continent of Westeros, where the main argument takes place, with the purpose of controlling the Throne of the Kingdom, and, therefore, with the domain, of the Seven Kingdoms.

At the moment the series comprises 8 seasons, with a total of 73 chapters . Each of the first 6 seasons consisted of 10 chapters. 7 and 8 only have 7 and 6 chapters respectively. The entire series can be seen on the HBO television platform.

Game of Thrones, the first novel, would win the Locus Award for best fantasy novel in 1997. It is in this book that we are shown the different kingdoms that make up Westeros and the Iron Throne, and it is the body in which it develops. the entire plot of the novels.

A few brief notes about the writer r: He graduated as a journalist, and soon began writing short fantasy works. He won several awards. In 1977 he wrote his first work, Death of Light. Since then literature was his only dedication. Later he opened his field of dedication as a scriptwriter for TV series, but in 1996 he put aside his work writing scripts to focus on the novel, and began writing the 7 novels that make up what he called A Song of Ice and Fire. . First novel Game of Thrones, which gives its name to the television series. The author himself, supervisor of the series, acknowledges that there are many divergences between the series and the novels, to the point of saying that they seem like two different stories.

The seven kingdoms of Games of Thrones:

• The Northern Kingdom: This is bordering the Wall, to the north. The Stark family lives there, in Winterfell , a city that is the capital of the kingdom.

• The Kingdom of Islands and Rivers: In this kingdom lived the children of Iron, until its conquest by Aegon , the Conqueror.

• The Kingdom of the Vale: For many years it has been the stronghold controlled by the Arryn family. In previous centuries this family lived in the Nido de Águilas.

• The Kingdom of the Rock: Also called the West and dominated by the Lannister family . Casterly Rock Capital .

• The Kingdom of the Stormlands: It was a fortress dominated by the Storm Kings, until the Targaryens appeared . After these Orys Baratheon was enthroned, and it became the region of the Baratheon family.

• The Dominion Kingdom: The largest of the southern kingdoms. The Tyrell family domains . Its capital is Highgarden .

• The Kingdom of Dorne : Positioned to the south of the continent, Dorne is proud to say that no one conquered it, not even Aegon I the Conqueror. The motto that gave him fame is curious. “Never bent, never broken.”

After Aegon ‘s conquest and the union of Dorne , before long, the Seven Kingdoms were formed into nine administrative regions. However, the entire plot takes place in the Seven Kingdoms.


We are now going to refer to the most important houses in the series: For many centuries, many dynasties have lived in the Seven Kingdoms. However, we will only refer to the most important ones .

• House Stark: It has defended the north of Westeros since time immemorial. Notable components of this house are: Eddard and Catelyn Stark and their children Robb , Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon . Others are Jon Snow, bastard son of Eddard and Benjen Stark, also nicknamed Coldhands .

• House Targaryen : All the kings of Westeros militated in this house until the revolt promoted by King Robert. This revolt took great proportions until it became a war, The War of the Usurped, which almost ended the Targaryen house , to the point that only two survivors, Viserys and Daenerys , remained. Targaryens .

• House Lannister : The most prosperous dynasty in all of Westeros. Tywin Lannister stands out as the most important man in Westeros. However, a series of events radically changes the relevance of this house and its components as the story unfolds. The most notable characters in this house are: Cersei , Jaime and Tyrion , the children of Tywin and Joanna Lannister . We will also mention the children of Cersei and Robert Baratheon, Joffrey , Tommen and Myrcella .

• House Baratheon: Orys Baratheon is the creator of perhaps the most significant clan in the history of Westeros. The first king in the series is Robert Baratheon who, in turn, ascends to the reign of the Seven Kingdoms by defeating the rebellious King Robert. Other characters in this house are: Myrcella , Tommen and Joffrey Baratheon, Stannis , Renly Baratheon, and various bastard sons, such as Gendry .

• House Tyrell : This house has dominated the Realm of the Dominion since ancient times. Characters from this house that appear in the series are: Mace Tyrell , Alerie Hightower , Willas Tyrell , Garlan Tyrell , Loras Tyrell , Margaery Tyrell , Olenna Redwine and Garth Tyrell .

• House Greyjoy : The Greyjoys rule the Iron Islands. For this they built a fortress on Pyke ‘s Island . Of great Viking influence, it is worth noting its impressive fleet . His most prominent personal items in this series are Balon , Asha , Theon , Euron , Victarion , Aeron greyjoy and alannys Hawlaw .

• House Arryn: Dominates Arryn Vale from the Eyrie. This place is highly celebrated for its fantastic Puertas de la Luna. Their strategic position allows them to be called the Kings of the Mountain and the Valley. Featured characters are: Jon and Robert Arryn and Harrold Hardyng .

• House Frey: In times past they were subjects of House Tully , but in the course of time they became rulers of the Riverlands and, therefore, of Riverrun Castle , which belonged to the House of Tully . This reversal in the dominant position between both houses, Frey and Tulli , had its origin in a very relevant event in the plot of the series. This event was called the red wedding. The main character of the Frey house is Walder Frey, head of this dynasty made up of 22 men and 7 women.

In addition to the seven main families, other families move, not so important but that have their role, sometimes not modest, in the development of the series. Among them we can mention: the Tully , the Martell or the Bolton.


As we said before, Game of Thrones is a medieval fiction television series that is based on a set of novels written by the American screenwriter and novelist George RR Martin. The saga of novels receives the name of “Song of Ice and Fire”. The Game of Thrones television series that was born from these novels tells us about the wars, as well as the political problems that occur between the main houses or families of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros . All the houses that face each other in this story have a common goal, to take control of the Iron Throne.

After what has been stated above, no one is surprised that the story begins with the fight for the Iron Throne between these families. In this beginning they are the houses Stark, Lannister and Baratheon. As the series develops, new conflicts appear, both political and military, and to this is added the presence of new actors, greatly complicating the situation in those distant lands. And as if this were not enough, they make their entry into the plot, the wars, the plots and the felonies, as well as the fight against the attacks that come from the North, carried out by the White Walkers and their militia of the undead.

Also, and on a personal level, the series poses a very deep struggle over the morality of the characters, who, at times, have to take very conflicting measures for their way of thinking, and who question friendship and family when they confront each other. to loyalty and generosity. The definition of the character of the characters is very successful. Likewise, the variety of these characters presents very interesting nuances, and not only at the level of heads or lords of families, but this aspect also reaches the lower class. All the characters that appear in the series have a very marked personality and act following their own motives.

We can say, without fear of being wrong, that Game of Thrones is known for having captured with its images an epitome of brutality, politics and eroticism. If to all this we add a simply impressive production work, with very well achieved battle scenes, fantastic locations and special effects of remarkable category, it should not, therefore, surprise us that the success goes hand in hand with this series, for many cult, and that this success has been rewarded by a multitude of recognitions, to which must be added numerous awards, including the most prestigious such as the Emmys.


As one would expect from a series developed in the Middle Ages, a time characterized by its darkness and the almost total absence of legitimate authority, where human life had little value for the powerful, in Game of Thrones, swords, as defense and attack elements, they are really essential. The plot of the series, which we have already commented on previously , would be impossible to develop without swords and other weapons carried, above all, by the knights.

Next, we list some of the most famous swords in the series :

1. Eddard Stark ‘s sword , it was forged in Valyrian steel and was used to execute the treacherous. On Eddard ‘s death , the sword was melted down and two swords were forged from it, named Oathkeeper and Widow’s. wail .

2. Longclaw : Jon Snow’s sword. It was a medal that Jeor Mormont gave to Jon Snow on the occasion of his graduation. The pommel of the sword has the head of a wolf, the emblem of the Starks.

3. Needle : Arya Stark’s sword. This he received from his brother Jon Snow, moments before he left for the Wall. This sword became for Ayra the most valuable element to grow as a woman. Over time the sword ended up being a badge of his courage and skill in the fight.

4. Heartsbane : The atavistic sword of House Tarly . Forged from Valyrian steel it is one of the few remaining Valyrian steel swords in Westeros .

5. Oathkeeper : In section 1 Ice we already talked about this sword, since it was the result of melting down the Ice sword to forge two swords from it. This is one of them, Oathkeeper was given to Brienne of Tarth by Tywin Lannister as a present.

6. Widow’s Wail : The other sword forged from Ice’s foundry, it was given to King Joffrey Baratheon as a wedding gift.

This is a brief summary of the swords that can be seen in the series. His role is essential for the plot and the dispute for supremacy in the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros to be a reality in the images of the series.