Our basket follows historical examples and is completely handmade, by means of hammer, ambos and forge. An authentic, decorative and useful source of heat and light for market, camp and home garden! The basket consists of forged flat rods and squared rods riveted to three flanges. The bottom is riveted to the rods too.
Medieval handmade forging support for a 42 cm sword. tall
Handmade wrought iron basket for firewood
Medieval fleur de lys support forged by hand for a 33 cm sword. wide by 17 cm. tall
Set of 5 handmade forging pieces for the fire
Medieval fleur-de-lys support forged by hand for two swords of 48 cm. wide by 34 cm. tall
Spark plug for low fire, artistic forging.
Medieval fleur de lys support forged by hand for three swords of 78 cm. wide by 34 cm. tall